Sunday, May 29, 2011

Sky Scooters

Editor's note -- This experimental Social Media feature article is not altered news via twitter. 

Jet Ski Thingies
JACKSONVILLE — There have been a number fast-moving developments at Jacksonville Transit Authority (JTA) of late, most importantly, the City Council approved a “2030 Mobility Plan and Fee” for the Northeast Florida multi-modal transit network on May 24th.

Thursday at 4:03pm ·  ·  · 

    • Patty Lamb ‎2030? Do you have plans to ride it then?
      Friday at 2:44pm · 

    • Karen A. Gardner I plan to own a chair-on-wheels in 2030.
      3 hours ago · 

    • Patty Lamb By then, maybe like a water jet sky but fly around in the air.
      2 hours ago · 

    • Patty Lamb I mean jet ski thingy
      2 hours ago · 

    • Karen A. Gardner Maybe everyone will have their own lunar landers, too.
      about an hour ago · 


Saturday, May 21, 2011

Service Announcement

 Rapture Tech Support 
 by KarenAGardner

Friday, May 20, 2011


Editor's note -- According to the followers of radio preacher Harold Camping, Judgment Day is coming tomorrow. Camping et al. believe that 200 million people will be "raptured" on May 21, whereas the rest of humankind—and the world—will be destroyed.

Legend has it that Switzerland's Large Hadron Collider could generate "mini black holes" that devour the universe. 

The Editor plans to be among the 200-million rapturees and  hopes the ensuing destruction caused by 
"Supercollider" is not too painful.

Editor's note --Apocalypse courtesy of Slate.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Barcelona (updated)

Editor's note -- "Malevich is not dead. He lives in Barcelona."
 Here begins an investigative inquiry into two mysterious tweets received shortly after sister site Flipped again posted Manifesto on May 2nd. 

Barcelona Spain -- Kasimir Malevich "Suprematism" inspired street graffiti (N. Malevitch) 

 Nicolas Malevitch 

@ An image:  Kasimir. A place:. A watch. Is this a real picture?
4 May 

 k. a. gardner 

?.@ @ An image:  Kasimir. A place: . A watch. Is this a real picture? 
6 May

 Nicolas Malevitch 

@ As a novel based on the story some of the photos are real, the other fiction, It depend
7 May

Editor's update -- The investigation ended at "Remember Kasimir"- a 2009 multimedia web project by Michel Goday 

"Remember Kasimir is a Web-novel, week after week, count how two people who are rebuilt, almost a hundred years later, the work of Kasimir Malevich in the streets of Barcelona, ​​using means such as photomontage, video, networks set of social and communication skills current."
translation Google Chrome


Saturday, May 7, 2011

Varietal Variations

Editor's note -- In a provocative piece of investigative journalism, The Daily Beast has learned from the Society of American Florists that Mother's Day accounts for 25 percent of all holiday flower sales.

Lilies are America's second most popular flower. Image: Tom Marks/Corbis

The Daily Beast then ranked floral data obtained through the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture to determine that the Gerbera Daisy, at 114 millions stems sold annually, is America's top-selling flower!

The Gerbera Daisy Wins! Image: Lindsay Pierce, The Daily Times/AP Photo
Editor's note -- The third most popular flower in America is the tulip. The Editor's Mom is receiving a large bouquet of white ones tinged with pink and wrapped in a pink bow, according to Mike at Marianne's Floral Garden.  

Happy Mother's Day!!

 The Daily Beast 
 by KarenAGardner
What's the best flower to send Mom on Mother's Day? Find out the Most Popular Flowers. 
