Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Dolphins Dump Documents

Editor's note -- For the past few days, the Gazette has been bored to tears with an endless stream of tweets about the WikiLeaks "State Dept. Document Dump." The Gazette would like to express its gratitude to Pajamas Media for doing something about it yesterday!

 "Pajamas Media has hired a dozen dolphins from Sea World" -- Roger L. Simon » WikiLeaks as seen by dolphins  

"Because we know sifting through over a quarter of a million documents can be time-consuming for the average citizen and therefore somewhat daunting, Pajamas Media has hired a dozen dolphins from Sea World to go over the voluminous material. Working non-stop for several days, they have boiled it down to its essence."

"America Needs a New President," says Sea World Dolphin to San Diego Tourists.

Editor's note -- Boiled-down WikiLeak essence: 

Berlusconi likes girls ... 

Sarkozy likes himself.
Angela Merkel is boring ... 
David Cameron is more boring.
Hillary thinks Cristina needs a shrink.
Benjamin Netanyahu can’t stand Ehud Olmert.
Al Qaeda hates America.
Yemen’s president hates Al Qaeda
Ahmadinejad is Hitler
North Korea likes Iran ... 
Saudi Arabia hates Iran
Julian Assange is Dennis Kucinich.
PFC Manning will never see the sun again.
America needs a new president.

Editor's note -- The Gazette reminds the Sea World dolphins that America can't get a new president until 2012.


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