Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Trading places.

Editor's note -- organizational link post

Jaxport will ask feds to extend its FTZ - Jacksonville Business Journal:
3:47 PM Jul 26th via web

RT @TheEconomist Four reasons to believe that Brazil can be as big as China and India #economist #brazil
about 15 hours ago via web

“Custo Brasil”—the cost of doing business --

MT @ForbesInvestor Transcript: Pascal Lamy, Director General of the World #Trade Organization
3:22 PM Jul 26th via web

----- Verenium --- Verenium Engineers More Favorable Finances

Science Coalition - (Verenium):
Sat Jul 17 2010 18:23:58 (Eastern Daylight Time) via web

RT @algaebiofuels BP Buys Verenium’s Biofuel Business For $98 Million BP Buys Verenium’s Biofuel Business For ...


Monday, July 26, 2010

Sea updated with plans for oceans and Great Lakes.

Editor's note -- The writer decided (on Monday, July 26) that this motley crew of sea-faring tweets should pay more attention to President Obama's new National Ocean Council.

'National Ocean Council' RT @Reuters Obama sets plan for oceans, Great Lakes
about 20 hours ago via web

~~If you would like to "Meet the National Ocean Council," please click on this White House link.

Co-Chairs are Nancy Sutley (Chair, White House Council on Environmental Quality) and Dr. John P. Holdren (Director, White House Office of Science and Technology Policy)

Just about every cabinet secretary is on this Council and important science groups like NASA. Also OMB director Peter Orszag, but he won't be an NOC member long because he quit OMB. No news on his replacement.

MEANWHILE ... The fight between Norfolk, Va. and Mayport, Fla. navy ports continues over the U.S.S. George H.W. Bush aircraft carrier, humanitarian aid to the Latin American basin proceeds and Naval contracts are awarded.

Navy still wants Mayport carrier, despite #CrybabyVirginia claims |
about 19 hours ago via web

Ship loaded at Mayport for annual humanitarian mission | via @TimothyGibbons
9:25 AM Jul 18th via web

RT @JBJNews Atlantic Marine wins $12.6M Navy contract: Atlantic Marine Mayport LLC was awarded a $12.6 million contract by the...


Wilful Walking and Pirate Talking!

AHOY !! Welcome aboard to the Londoner C.J. Duffy of Wilful Ways of C.J. Duffy
Editor's Note -- C.J. Duffy got lost on one of his "wilful walks" and was never heard from again.

"Swash my buckles and brace the spanker, the top gallant needs reefing..."
RT @NoQuarterGiven YOU MIGHT BE A PIRATE IF you've been banned from the pond in the park because your toy #boat keeps sinking the others.

>>>RT @Thecapnslappy Only 55 Days until International Talk Like a Pirate Day! ... be prepared!
about 24 hours ago via web

>>>Avast Ye!! RT @pirateday Nay, matey! There still be 61 days till #TLAPD -

9:13 AM Jul 19th via web

>>> 888 <<<

Friday, July 16, 2010

Once upon a customer review

via The Consumerist (somehow) @consumerist

An classic
Customer Reviews in Verse

This review is from:
Tuscan Whole Milk, 1 Gallon, 128 fl oz (Misc.)

Number 1 of 1,203 reviews
By Edgar (Baltimore) July 8, 2008

Once upon a mid-day sunny, while I savored Nuts 'N Honey,
With my Tuscan Whole Milk, 1 gal, 128 fl. oz., I swore
As I went on with my lapping, suddenly there came a tapping,
As of some one gently rapping, rapping at the icebox door.
'Bad condensor, that,' I muttered, 'vibrating the icebox door -
Only this, and nothing more.'

Not to sound like a complainer, but, in an inept half-gainer,
I provoked my bowl to tip and spill its contents on the floor.
Stupefied, I came to muddle over that increasing puddle,
Burgeoning deluge of that which I at present do adore -
Snowy Tuscan wholesomeness exclusively produced offshore -
Purg'ed here for evermore.

And the pool so white and silky, filled me with a sense of milky
Ardor of the type fantastic of a loss not known before,
So that now, to still the throbbing of my heart, while gently sobbing,
I retreated, heading straightway for the tempting icebox door -
Heedless of that pitter-patter tapping at the icebox door -
I resolved to have some more.

Presently my soul grew stronger; hesitating then no longer,
'This,' said I, 'requires an extra dram of milk, my favorite pour.'
To the icebox I aspired, motivated to admire
How its avocado pigment complemented my decor.
Then I grasped its woodgrain handle - here I opened wide the door; -
Darkness there, and nothing more.

Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there wondering, fearing,
Doubting, dreaming dreams of Tuscans I had known before
But the light inside was broken, and the darkness gave no token,
And the only words there spoken were my whispered words, 'No more!'
Coke and beer, some ketchup I set eyes on, and an apple core -
Merely this and nothing more.

Back toward the table turning, all my soul within me burning,
Soon again I heard a tapping somewhat louder than before.
'Surely,' said I, 'surely that is something at my window lattice;
Let me see then, what thereat is, and this mystery explore -
Let my heart be still a moment and this mystery explore; -
'Tis the wind and nothing more!'

From the window came a stirring, then, with an incessant purring,
Inside stepped a kitten; mannerlessly did she me ignore.
Not the least obeisance made she; not a minute stopped or stayed she;
But, with mien of lord or lady, withdrew to my dining floor -
Pounced upon the pool of Tuscan spreading o'er my dining floor -
Licked, and lapped, and supped some more.

Then this tiny cat beguiling my sad fancy into smiling,
By the grand enthusiasm of the countenance she wore,
Toward the mess she showed no pity, 'til I said, 'Well, hello, kitty!'
Sought she me with pretty eyes that seemed to open some rapport.
So I pleaded, 'Tell me, tell me what it is that you implore!'
Quoth the kitten, 'Get some more.'

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Saturday, July 3, 2010

Oh Canada?

When the Gazette last left Rueven's G20 Summit, he was hoping the rioting idiots would all catch colds because it was pouring in Toronto.

The National Review Online, however, was not as kind:

"I may have to revise my old line about the British police being "the most monumentally useless in the developed world". For the G20 summit, the Toronto coppers ordered up a ton of new body armor, weaponry, gas masks, etc - and then stood around in their state-of-the-art riot gear watching as a bunch of middle-class "anarchists" trashed the city."

Full article link tweeted by Pajama Media's Instapundit below:

"Monumentally Useless" RT @instapundit SPECTATORS IN BODY ARMOR: “Her Majesty’s Constabulary seem to be ...
11:03 PM Jun 26th via web

Riot updates from the National Post:

"... in a desolate section of northwest Toronto" RT @postedtoronto Toronto courthouse overwhelmed by G20 proceedings
7:46 PM Jun 27th via web

Brett Gundlock and Colin O’Connor RT @postedtoronto G20: Post photographers spend night in detention centre
Sun Jun 27 2010 21:57:42 (Eastern Daylight Time) via web

Protesting the treatment of protesters:

"not the kind of Canada we want." RT @postedtoronto Quebec-based protest group to mark Canada Day with G20 march
Wed Jun 30 2010 13:46:07 (Eastern Daylight Time) via web

Resolved! RT @postedtoronto No public inquiry into police at #G20 protests: McGuinty
about 18 hours ago via web

Meanwhile in South Australia, Colin "clutterbells" Campbell tweets: Oh Canada

Pop quiz: (choose one) Which country is better -- Australia or Canada? RT @clutterbells July 1 Canada Day Oh Canada..
Thu Jul 01 2010 19:25:29 (Eastern Daylight Time) via web
