Sunday, August 26, 2012

Blond's Bling

Editor's note --  Mattel introduced The Blond's Blond Diamond Barbie Doll, its latest Barbie doll who is not officially a Drag Queen. 

The Daily Mail noticed the doll, if it were to be a Drag Queen, would have been modeled by the Ken doll.
Phillipe (left) and David Blond

Fashion designers Phillipe and David Blond, according to the Mail, have expressed their adoration for the doll ever since their label was born in 2007.

The Editor assumes Phillipe is pretending to be Barbie, while David is pretending to be Ken.

Blond Diamond Barbie

Introducing ! Mattel models its latest doll on cross-dressing designer from...  via 

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Editors Are Actually Jerks

Editor's note -- ReFashioning Flipside is a new blog of old Flipside Florida stuff. When transferring one of its posts, the Editor noticed that why "Dolphins Are Actually Jerks?" was never actually explained.

Mmmm … Yellow Fin
 "WSM’s post explains [why WSM thinks dolphins are jerks]  some environmentalists  (such as Greenpeace)  mean well, but are not always helpful.  This is indicted by the title of the post, which includes the phrase 'ecological disaster'".

The answer is "Dolphin Free Tuna" fishing methods. @WhySharksMatter doesn't think it's worth saving dolphins, who are not endangered, at the expense of sea turtles, sharks, and many other fish species who are endangered.

ReFashioning Flipside: (New Blog of Old Stuff) "Dolphins are Actually Jerks?" I had fun with this post!!