Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Wheat, n.

Editor's note -- The Guardian's Mind Your Language blog praised Ambrose Bierce on Friday for still being wise and witty after 100 years on the occasion of the centennial anniversary of his relatively famous lexicon, "The Devil's Dictionary".

The Mind Your Language blog forgot to mention that Ambrose Bierce's relatively famous short story, "An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge", is coincidentally celebrating its 120th anniversary of publication.

The Guardian's blogger alphabetically listed his favorite D.D. definitions, of which the Editor's favorite is...

Famous, adj., Conspicuously miserable

Editor's note --The correspondent from The Economist's Johnson blog tweeted his favorite Guardian blogger's favorite D.D. definition which is, ambiguously, about whiskey or perhaps bread.


Robert Lane Greene
by karenagardner
Wheat: A cereal from which a tolerably good whiskey can with some difficulty be made, and which is also used for bread


  1. We in the Netherworld are quite devoted fans of Bierce.

  2. The Editor believes Bierce feels the same about the Netherworld because he is dead.


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