Friday, June 3, 2011

Isaac's manuscript

Editor's note -- Ptak Science Books announced several days ago that Isaac Newton confessed to 47 sins in the "extraordinary work known as the Fitzwilliam Manuscript"

Editor's note -- The Storer family was not well-liked by Isaac. In addition to stealing cherry cobs from Eduard, he admits to "Beating Arthur Storer."


 k. a. gardner 

 k. a. gardner 


  1. stealing cherry cobs and denying it are sinful, but not in the league of chopping down a cherry tree and admitting it. George Washington, I think. Too lazy to look it up.

  2. I was almost too lazy to reply. But, being you're here from Sydney I thought I'd at least make an effort.

    The American legend you refer to is, in my opinion, a complete fabrication. He supposedly said, "I can't tell a lie, Pa; you know I can't tell a lie. I did cut it with my hatchet."



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